Tag: Ligue 1

  • Shot quality and results in football

    Shot quality and results in football

    We investigate the link between shot quality, as measured by the team average xG per shot, and both results (in terms of wins) and performance (measured with our Expected Points model), for the top 5 European leagues. We find a strong link between xG per shot difference (xG per shot minus xG per shot conceded,…

  • The Very Exclusive xOVA Club

    The Very Exclusive xOVA Club

    We introduced Expected Offensive Value Added, or ‘xOVA’, to facilitate scouting for creative and skilled players, who are able to have a great impact in the final third of the pitch. Therefore, forwards, wingers and attacking midfielders top our xOVA charts. For example, in our database, the highest seasonal xOVA (22.27) was produced by Lionel…

  • Measuring pressing success: Buildup Disruption Percentage (BDP)

    Measuring pressing success: Buildup Disruption Percentage (BDP)

    Pressing is a fundamental part of many teams’ game plan in modern football. At the same time, it is difficult to measure it accurately using event data. While PPDA is certainly a very useful metric, in our view it would be advisable to complement it with different, indirect measurements of how teams are able to…

  • Soccerment's Expected Points model

    Soccerment's Expected Points model

    Expected Goals (xG) models allow us to quantify the chance quality of individual shots. This gives us the chance to quantify the probability of a team winning, losing or drawing the match, based on the two team’s total xG during the match. In turn, this can be translated into an expectation value for points gained…

  • Expected Threat

    Expected Threat

    One of the cornerstones of measuring offensive contributions in football is based on a very simple fact: the likelihood of scoring a goal in the next few actions depends heavily on the distance to goal at any given moment. It follows, therefore, that the most valuable actions, besides those directly related to scoring such as…

  • Top 5 leagues through the "xLenses"

    Top 5 leagues through the "xLenses"

    League football is back after an intense international break. Time for recapping what has happened so far in the European top 5 competitions. We have analysed them using our advanced metrics (xPoints, xG, xA, xOVA, etc.), which sometimes confirm the tables’ initial verdicts (like in the case of Napoli), while in other cases highlight how…

  • [ITA] – Le statistiche avanzate di Soccerment

    [ITA] – Le statistiche avanzate di Soccerment

    Uno degli obiettivi principali dell’analisi dati applicata al calcio è di informare chi prende decisioni strategiche nel modo più oggettivo e imparziale possibile. Poiché il calcio è uno sport con punteggi bassi, dove il risultato è determinato da eventi rari soggetti ad un alto grado di casualità, statistiche come gol e assist sono spesso insufficienti…

  • Soccerment's Advanced Metrics

    Soccerment's Advanced Metrics

    One of the main goals of data analytics in football is to inform performance analysts and other decision-makers in the most objective and unbiased way possible. As football is a low-scoring sport with crucial events that are subject to a high degree of randomness, metrics such as goals scored and assists are often insufficient to…

  • [ITA] – Coppie goal e cuori infranti

    [ITA] – Coppie goal e cuori infranti

    Per un attaccante, trovare la giusta alchimia con il proprio compagno di reparto è una parte fondamentale del gioco. Solitamente fa la differenza tra un attacco affidabile, prolifico e uno sterile. A volte, le sinergie create dalle partnership sono talmente rilevanti che romperle è estremamente doloroso, sia per i tifosi che per gli allenatori. Pensate…

  • Relationship goals and painful breakups

    Relationship goals and painful breakups

    For a forward, finding the right chemistry with a strike partner is a fundamental part of the game. It often makes the difference between a solid, reliable attack and a stagnant one. Sometimes, the synergies created by the partnerships are such that breaking them is really painful, for fans as well as for the coaches.…
